Below you will find companies whose employees have been trained, coached or advised by us or they use our Product Management Software, the Product Management Dashboard:
"The contents of the strategic and technical product management courses are a valuable support for me in structuring our product management. The workflow and methods taught are easy to implement due to their practical relevance and the numerous tools will make it easier for us to work more market-oriented. Thank you very much for three exciting and very instructive days!"
Dr. Jeanette Mönch
Head of Product Management, SelectLine Software GmbH
"This wealth of knowledge in product management has helped us make the right decisions, become more market-oriented and establish ourselves as a market leader."
Wolfgang Schulz
CEO PDV Systeme GmbH
"The clear advantage of the method over other training courses is that projects are based on facts. In particular, the explanations on the connections between the work steps offer a high benefit. Great practical relevance through examples and clear comprehensibility and comprehensibility for everyday use.
In the future, I will be able to provide decision-makers with well-founded decision documents containing market facts and trustworthy figures. The results in the strategy will enable me to better fulfill tactical tasks."
René Rose
Product Manager 1&1 Internet AG
„As a product manager in a mechanical engineering company that serves a dynamic market, it is extremely important to know the requirements of the market and to offer customers a practical solution.
Thanks to the proProduktmanagement course, I was able to deepen my knowledge of my existing tools and get to know many new ones that support me in my daily work and make my tasks easier. This enables me to work strategically - proactively with my colleague to tackle challenges - instead of having to react to problems. This saves a lot of time and money for my company and a lot of stress for me.“
Tim Höbel
Product Manager SILOKING,
Mayer Maschinenbaugesellschaft mbH
"The training courses were extremely practical! The course size was optimally chosen and, in combination with the "Flipped Classroom", led to an efficient learning effect. In addition to the very helpful PM tools, which can be integrated into daily business, the courses also offer a very good overview of the far-reaching tasks and roles of a product manager. In the course, error sources of the PM´s could also be analyzed in detail, discussed and solution approaches according to Open Product Management Workflow discussed. This has created more than just a solid basis for successful product management."
Dominik Dobrzanski
Technical Sales and Product Manager,
eifeler Lasertechnik GmbH
„The relaxed atmosphere and different backgrounds of the course participants helped me to get a picture of the ACTUAL situation of a PM in a company. The exercises during the training made the contents plastic and revealed personal improvement focuses. With the tools provided, I feel very well prepared for a quick and professional introduction to the tasks of a PM.“
Bartosch Cylkowski
Product Manager,
IMI Hydronic Engineering Deutschland GmbH
"Compared to other courses, these are very practical, tried and tested and have a real industry proximity to technology and software. Further advantages are the clear structure of how I can effectively implement the topic of product management, as well as the templates and tools that help me to implement the daily work.
The training was great, really great!"
Timo Wasmer
Product Manager, Claranet GmbH
"The big advantage of the Open Product Management workflow is its completeness. It explains step by step where which information comes from, how it serves as a basis for decision-making and how it is used in the workflow. The strategic part was very informative for me as a technician. Overall, the training was very interesting, entertaining and compact - well invested time!"
René Pietzsch
Product Manager, eccenca GmbH
"Compared to other training courses, the concept deals with everyday problems. The step-by-step method explains the connections very well and offers easy to implement solutions for the work. The numerous examples and the high practical experience of the trainers show that the method can be introduced quickly in the company. Many thanks for the great training!"
Jana Hendel
Deputy Management Pharma
"The Strategic Product Management course provides a very well structured and practice-oriented overview of the tasks, processes and steps in strategic product management. The free of charge available templates, which are made available to the course participants as further processable documents and thus represent a large work facilitation, are particularly to be emphasized. The speakers (especially in software product management) can present and communicate the challenges in the topic area with many practical examples."
Boris Kemp
Director Product Strategy DCI, Beta Systems Software AG
"Your training on Strategic Product Management gives many helpful instructions and documents that help you to better organize product management and thus save time in your daily work through targeted preparation and documentation. This helps me tremendously."
Joerg Warrelmann
Senior Product Manager, Medical Division SCHOTT AG
"The courses are practice-oriented, provide excellent, comprehensible instructions for the creation of products and include exercises that deepen the material imparted. You will notice that the instructors know what they are talking about. Highly recommended for everyone who develops products."
Bernd Meier
CEO Education, Chamber of Handicrafts
"I have been looking for a process-oriented approach to a product management methodology that could help me better support my customers in introducing new products and services. I found it in proProduktmanagement. It should be noted that both speakers have mastered their topics through their own actions. The examples and exercises given reflect the long experience from their consulting and management practice. Their different presentation styles are varied and loosen up the courses. Particularly helpful I find the numerous presented collecting mains, which help with the collection of decision-relevant data e.g. for the business plan. I would like to recommend the seminars of proProduktmanagement to others."
Kai Altenfelder
Managing Director, pro accessio GmbH & Co. KG
„The special thing about the methodology for me was the practical systematization of the user requirements with the help of Personas. Of course, I still have a learning curve ahead of me, especially when selecting Personas and prioritizing conflicting requirements. However, I am curious about the effect that will occur. The market data reference must actually cover the hierarchy decisions. As a PM, this gives me an assertiveness that is unthinkable today and would make my work much more effective.“
Boris Belfor
Product Mgr Managed Services, Sr. Service Designer,
Unify GmbH & Co. KG
"proProduktmanagement offers a very good overall view on the subject of product management. I really liked the practical relevance and the documents provided for individual work steps - a useful toolbox for every product manager, in which the right tool can be found for a wide variety of tasks!"
Max Eberlein
Product Manager, DaWanda GmbH
"Das Seminar war, anders als sonst häufig üblich, sehr praxisorientiert. Es ging weniger darum allgemeine Grundlagen zu lehren, wie vorrangig eine praxisnahe Methodik zur Ableitung einer Strategie anhand von relevanten und notwendigen Informationen und Fakten."
Torsten Epkes
Product Manager, Bender GmbH & Co. KG
"Had we attended these courses earlier, it would have been easier and faster for our management and us to achieve successful product management. The contents and tools can be put into practice immediately. It became clear to me which activities lie with which roles in the company and what does not belong to the actual product management."
Christian Pietsch
Product Manager, TuneUp GmbH
"The training has hit the nail on the head! The broad field of knowledge around the tasks of a PM and TPM as well as its interfaces to adjacent areas such as R&D, marketing etc. was professionally conveyed by proProduktmanagement in a relaxed atmosphere and in an appropriate group size with suitable tools."
Heiko Beiler
R&D Project Manager
"In the two courses on strategic and technical product management, the trainers gave me professional tools and important systematics for fulfilling the role of a product manager. The long and extensive experience of both enriched the seminars very much and rounded off the training in a practical way."
Matthias Lugert
Entrepreneur Start-Up
“A solid course with extensive hand tools and materials for a specialist area in which there are otherwise few opportunities for further training. Even after several years of experience in product management, many new and interesting suggestions on how the topic can be further developed in your own company.“
Christian Veith
Product Manager Publishing Solutions, ppi media GmbH
"The courses offer a comprehensive view and a practice-oriented toolset, which becomes quickly understandable in the training. For my work in the field of Open Innovation, exciting approaches have been provided to me."
Daniel M. Richter
Intrapreneur, Insight Innovation GmbH
„The Open Product Management Workflow has helped me through a fact-based and market-driven approach to grasp the often confusing world of product management in clear steps and successfully put it into practice."
Helmut Rapp
Product Manager, IHSE GmbH
„The entire OPMW framework is ultimately based on the contact to the customer - the customer interview - only there can I experience the real needs of the customer as a PM. I am sure that with the help of the tools I have learned, I will be able to make better and above all fact-based decisions, which ultimately form the basis for successful product launches."
Markus Schmid
Product Manager, w&p Baustoffe GmbH Österreich
"In the course Strategic and Technical Product Management I was taught the theoretical basics as well as methods and tools for PM in a practical way. I particularly liked the way the training was conducted. The theoretical basics had to be worked out in advance. Thus, the topics could be applied in the attendance time on the basis of practical examples and the challenges of the individual participants in their companies could be dealt with. The Open Product Management Workflow and the corresponding templates form a very good basis for the daily work as a product manager."
Sascha Weller
Product Manager, C. & E. Fein GmbH
"Highly recommended, not only for beginners but also for individuals and companies already performing product management. The course contents are practice-oriented and show, beside the explanation of sense and purpose of the individual measures, in understandable form execution and sequence of the respective steps."
Wolfgang Habitzl
Senior TPM Minimax, Viking R&D GmbH
"The courses have shown impressively that good results can be achieved in a short period of time using the method. The practical exercises in teams were fun and the application was clear."
Dr. Cheryl Kleuker
Development / IT Business Analysis, es2000 GmbH
"Until I became aware of the Open Product Management Workflow, I lacked a solid step-by-step guide in my product management role that would have enabled me to fulfill my professional responsibilities. Away from gut feeling, towards figures, data and facts, which act as a boost for the company as a result of the market, distribution, price and communication strategy. The documents and also the training courses are detailed in all points, always applicable and very practical. The strategic and technical product management trainings helped me to internalize the philosophy of the Open Product Management Workflow. In the training, the essential definitions from the freely accessible books were repeated, which the course participants could then actively apply in realistic exercises. So I experienced the three training days as a constant reflection and further development of my activity as a strategic product manager. I found the participation in the trainer's wealth of experience to be a gift. "
Dagmar Rostek
Product Manager
"Through the training I have learned a methodology with clearly defined processes, result types and results, which support me concretely in the optimal design of my work."
Hervé Kamgang
Product Manager
"A great course to get structure into the tasks of a product manager. Also top teaching material for the daily work. Thank you Frank."
Sven Andre
Business Economist, MAGONTEC GmbH
"Since the course "Strategic Product Management" I have had for the first time a conclusive and coherent concept in front of me in order to efficiently and competently meet the requirements of everyday work as a product manager and at the same time to always align my actions with the benefit for interested parties and customers."
Hannes Raul Ehrlich
Product Manager, Interflex Datensysteme GmbH
"Frank, Thank you for the detailed training and your insights into the world of successful product management. The methodology and didactics of the training underline your competence and help you to understand the new PM contents, to recognize the connections and to successfully build on them in your daily work."
Stefan Trautner
Product Marketing Manager, CCV Easy GmbH
- 1&1 Internet SE
- 1&1 Mail & Media GmbH
- 4 Pipes GmbH
- A+W Software GmbH
- Abbott Arzneimittel GmbH
- ADAC Autovermietung GmbH
- ADC Automotive Distance Control Systems GmbH
- adidas AG
- ads-tec Industrial IT GmbH
- ADLINK Technology GmbH
- Aeon Scientific AG
- Aequator AG
- Age of Peers GmbH
- Airbus Mailroom
- AIS Automation GmbH Dresden
- Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG
- AL-KO Alois Kober GmbH
- Allied Vision Technologies GmbH
- Allplan GmbH
- Andrew Wireless Systems GmbH
- Anywhere 24 GmbH
- Apollo-Optik Holding GmbH & Co. KG
- Artweger GmbH & Co KG
- Arvato System Perdata GmbH
- ATLAS Dienstleistungen für Vermögensberatung GmbH
- audifon GmbH & Co.KG
- audius GmbH
- AurumProtect GmbH
- Automic
- AVS GmbH
- AXA Assistance Deutschland GmbH
- b-plus GmbH
- B2B Sales Outsourcing
- Baumit Baustoffe GmbH
- BayWa AG
- BCT Technology AG
- Bender GmbH & Co. KG
- Berger Fahrzeugtechnik Ges.m.b.H
- Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA
- Beta Systems Software AG
- BHS Corrugated Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH
- bintec elmeg Gmbh
- bio.logis Genetic Information Management
- Biofa AG
- Bircher Reglomat AG
- bit media e-Solutions GmbH
- BITMARCK Vertriebs- und Projekt GmbH
- Blanco GmbH + Co KG
- Blockchain Consulting GmbH
- Blue Yonder GmbH
- BMI Lab AG
- BMI Lab Deutschland GmbH
- BNP Paribas S.A. Niederlassung Deutschland
- BORA Vertriebs GmbH & Co KG
- BOSAL Automotive Carrier and Protection Systems GmbH
- Bosch Rexroth AG
- Bosch Haushaltsgeräte Gmbh
- BRANDAD Systems AG
- Broetje-Automation GmbH
- Brox IT-Solutions GmbH
- Bruker BioSpin AG
- Bruker BioSpin GmbH
- Bruker BioSpin MRI GmbH
- Bundeswehr
- Business Keeper AG
- Bühler GmbH
- Bystronic Laser AG
- C. & E. Fein GmbH
- Canvys
- CareerBuilder Germany GmbH
- Carl Zeiss AG
- Cassidian Cybersecurity GmbH
- CCV Deutschland GmbH
- centrotherm international AG
- CGM Clinical Deutschland GmbH
- CGM CompuGroup Medical Deutschland AG
- CGM SYSTEMA Deutschland GmbH
- Cheminova Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
- Christoph Miethke GmbH & Co. KG
- Claranet GmbH
- cleverbridge AG
- Compart AG
- CompuGroup Medical Software GmbH
- congstar GmbH
- ConSol Software GmbH
- corpuls | GS Elektromedizinische Geräte G. Stemple
- CTS Eventim AG & Co. KGaA
- DaWanda GmbH
- DB Mobility Logistics AG
- DB Vertrieb
- Deutsche Bahn AG
- Deutsche Post AG
- Deutsche Post Adress GmbH & CO.KG
- Deutsche Post Direkt GmbH
- Deutsche Telekom AG
- DHD Digital GmbH
- DI Deutsche Ingenico Holding GmbH
- Diamant Metallplastic GmbH
- Dichtungstechnik Wallstabe & Schneider GmbH & Co.
- Dickow Pumpen GmbH & Co. KG
- digades GmbH
- DMI Gmbh & Co.KG
- Domino Laser GmbH
- doo GmbH
- Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
- E.ON Business Services Berlin GmbH
- E.ON Energie Deutschland GmbH
- GmbH
- eccenca GmbH
- econda GmbH
- EDVK Software+Support GmbH & Co. KG
- eifeler Lasertechnik GmbH
- EJ-Pack und Services GmbH
- Elektrizitäts- und Wasserwerk der Stadt Buchs
- elobau GmbH & Co.KG
- emonvia GmbH
- Enclustra GmbH
- Energie 360° AG
- Energy2market GmbH
- envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG
- envia Tel GmbH
- Epson Deutschland GmbH
- es2000 Errichter Software GmbH
- essendit it GmbH
- EVVA Sicherheitstechnologie GmbH
- Extis GmbH
- Ferro GmbH
- Flightright GmbH
- FRÄNKISCHE Rohrwerke Gebr. Kirchner GmbH & Co. KG
- Fraunhofer Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen II
- Fritz Stephan GmbH
- Fuhrmann GmbH
- Fujitsu TDS GmbH
- Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
- Gabriel-Chemie Gesellschaft m.b.H.
- Gebauer & Griller Kabelwerke GmbH
- genua GmbH
- Georg Lemke GmbH & Co. KG
- Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG
- GfK SE
- GILDEMEISTER Drehmaschinen GmbH
- Glamox Aqua Signal GmbH
- Global Safety Textiles GmbH
- grandccentrix GmbH
- Gries Deco Company GmbH
- GTP Schäfer GmbH
- Hamilton Medical AG
- Handwerkskammer Erfurt
- Harman International
- Haufe-umantis AG
- Hectronic GmbH
- HELLA Aglaia Mobile Vision GmbH
- HELLA KGaA Hueck & Co.
- Herkules Hebetechnik GmbH
- Hermann Sewerin GmbH
- Hitachi High-Tech Analytical Science GmbH
- HJS Emission Technology GmbH & Co. KG
- HMM Deutschland GmbH
- HMS Technology Center Ravensburg GmbH
- HOMAG eSolution GmbH
- HOMAG Holzbearbeitungssysteme GmbH
- HOMAG Plattenaufteiltechnik GmbH
- Höllko GmbH
- Honeywell International Inc.
- Horn & Bauer GmbH & Co. KG
- IHK Berlin
- IHK Nürnberg
- IlkinBorg Gesellschaft für Telefondienstleistungen und neue Medien mbH
- IMC GmbH
- IMI Hydronic Engineering Deutschland GmbH
- Immowelt AG
- Implico GmbH
- INDAG Pouch Partners GmbH
- INDUSTRONIC Industrie-Electronic GmbH & Co. KG
- ines GmbH
- Infinion Technologies AG
- InfoChem GmbH
- informa Solutions GmbH
- Ingenico Marketing Solutions GmbH
- InnoSenT GmbH
- Insight Innovation GmbH
- Interflex Datensysteme GmbH
- InterNations GmbH
- INTERSEROH Dienstleistungs GmbH
- ista Deutschland GmbH
- iTernity GmbH
- J. Wagner GmbH
- Jäger Direkt
- Jaeger-Fischer GmbH & Co. KG
- Janitza electronics GmbH
- Johnson Matthy Catalysts (Germany) GmbH
- Jokey Gummersbach SE
- Jos. Schneider Optische Werke GmbH
- JENOPTIK Power Systems GmbH
- KATHREIN Solutions GmbH
- KBR Kompensationsanlagenbau GmbH
- KEMA Baustoffe GmbH
- KIC InnoEnergy SE
- Kieback & Peter GmbH
- Kiwa Deutschland GmbH
- Knick GmbH & Co.KG
- Knorr-Bremse SfS GmbH
- Kontron AIS GmbH
- L&L Products Europe SAS
- LA2 GmbH
- LDB Löffler GmbH
- LexCom Informationssysteme GmbH
- Linde AG
- Limón GmbH
- littlelunch GmbH
- Loy & Hutz Solutions AG
- LucaNet AG
- LZE GmbH
- m2p-labs GmbH
- Magnetische Pruefanlagen GmbH
- Magontec GmbH
- Maquet Cardiopulmonary GmbH
- Mayer Maschinenbaugesellschaft mbH
- Mayser GmbH & Co.KG
- medatixx
- medavis GmbH
- medi GmbH & Co. KG
- Menlo Systems GmbH
- Mentor GmbH & Co. Präzisions Bauteile KG
- MID GmbH
- milon industries GmbH
- Minimax Viking Research & Develpment GmbH
- Monolith GmbH
- Moog Unna GmbH
- msg nexinsure ag
- MTD Products AG
- MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH
- Nemetschek Allplan Systems GmbH
- Netz16 GmbH
- Netze BW GmbH
- Nexinto GmbH
- Nordgetreide GmbH & Co. KG
- Nordson BKG
- Novar GmbH a Honeywell Company
- Novell Inc.
- novomind AG
- on-geo GmbH
- Open-Xchange GmbH
- Optoma Deutschland GmbH
- Optoma Europe Ltd.
- orgavision GmbH
- ORWO Net GmbH
- Össur Bayreuth GmbH
- Osypka AG
- OTTO GmbH & Co KG
- Otto Martin Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
- Osypka AG
- Ovesco Endoscoy AG
- OX Software GmbH OXID eSales AG
- Össur Byreuth GmbH
- PCI Augsburg GmbH
- PCS Systemtechnik GmbH
- PDV Systeme GmbH
- Personaltransfer West GmbH
- Pharma GmbH
- PHYSIOMED Elektromedizin AG
- Picanova GmbH
- PKE Deutschland GmbH
- PKE Holding AG
- plasmo Industrietechnik GmbH
- ppi Media GmbH
- Print Your Ticket GmbH
- Private ptm-Akademie GmbH
- pro accessio GmbH & Co. KG
- PROGNOST Systems GmbH
- PROSOZ Herten GmbH
- ProXES GmbH
- Prüftechnik Condition Monitoring GmbH
- quofox GmbH
- Raber+Märcker GmbH
- RaidSonic Technology GmbH
- Raith GmbH
- Rapid Shape GmbH
- REA Elektronik GmbH
- readbox publishing GmbH
- RECARO Child Safety GmbH & Co. KG
- Retarus GmbH
- REWE Digital GmbH
- Rheinmetall Electronics GmbH
- Rhenus Lub GmbH & Co KG
- Riverbed Technology
- Robatech AG
- Robert Bosch SMART HOME Gmbh
- Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG
- RONDO Burgdorf AG
- rose plastic AG
- Rosen Technology & Research Center GmbH
- Rosenberger-OSI GmbH & Co. OHG
- Roto Frank Fenster-und Türtechnologie GmbH
- RRC power solutions GmbH
- RUD Ketten Rieger & Dietz GmbH u. Co. KG
- RWE Effizienz GmbH
- RZB Rudolf Zimmermann, Bamberg GmbH
- S. Siedle & Söhne Telefon- und Telegrafenwerke OHG
- Safari GmbH
- Samsung Electronics GmbH
- Scansonic MI GmbH
- Schleuninger AG
- Schleuninger GmbH
- Schlüter-Systems KG
- Schott AG
- Schülke & Mayr GmbH
- SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions GmbH
- Scout24 Services GmbH
- secunet Security Networks AG
- secXtreme GmbH
- Sedenius Engineering GmbH
- Seidenader Maschinenbau GmbH
- Selectline Software GmbH
- Sematell GmbH
- Semigator GmbH
- ServiceTrace
- SEW-Eurodrive GmbH & Co KG
- Siconnex customized soltuions GmbH
- Siemens AG
- SILOKING Mayer Maschinenbau GmbH
- Sixt Leasing SE
- Sixt Neuwagen Onnline Retail
- SMARTRAC Secure ID & Transactions GmbH
- solute GmbH
- SOLYP Informatik GmbH
- Sonovum GmbH
- Sparkassen-Finanzportal GmbH
- Spartherm GmbH
- SPARTHERM Feuerungstechnik GmbH
- Spohn & Burkhardt GmbH & CO.KG
- SQG g GmbH
- SSI SCHÄFER - Fritz Schäfer GmbH
- SSI Schäfer Automation GmbH
- Stadtwerke Augsburg Energie GmbH
- Stadtwerke Leipzig GmbH
- Steinel Vertrieb GmbH
- Stephan Machinery GmbH
- STÖBER Antriebstechnik GmbH + Co. KG
- str84wd Products UG
- StyleRemains GmbH / REBELLE
- SUSE Linux Products GmbH
- Süddt. Gelenkscheibenfabrik GmbH & Co.KG
- Süwag Vertrieb AG & CO.KG
- Swarovski AG
- Sycor GmbH
- Symantec GmbH
- symmedia GmbH
- T-Systems International GmbH
- TablonautiX GmbH
- TDK-Micronas GmbH
- TeamDrive Systems GmbH
- tec5 AG
- Technip Energies
- Televes Deutschland GmbH
- TimcoCom Soft- und Hardware GmbH
- TNG Technology Consulting GmbH
- Toll Collect GmbH
- Tridonic GmbH & Co KG
- TuneUp GmbH
- Tunstall GmbH
- TÜV Rheinland Akademie GmbH
- TÜV SÜD Akademie
- TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH
- two S GmbH
- Unicon Software GmbH
- Univention GmbH
- Unify GmbH & Co. KG
- United Signals GmbH
- Universität Stuttgart
- Qabel GmbH
- QQconsulting
- v. Rundstedt & Partner GmbH
- va-Q-tec AG
- Veritas AG
- Viaboxx GmbH
- Viking R&D GmbH
- vitaliberty GmbH
- VITRONIC Dr.-Ing. Stein Bildverarbeitungssysteme GmbH
- Voith Global Business Services EMEA GmbH
- VSA GmbH
- VULKAN Kupplungs-und Getriebebau Hackforth GmbH
- Weiss Chemie + Technik GmbH & Co. KG
- WENZEL DesignTec GmbH
- Westwing Group GmbH
- Wietersdorfer Holding GmbH
- Wikimedia Deutschland e. V.
- WILKA Schließtechnik GmbH
- Windstar Medical GmbH
- Witschi Electronic AG Switzerland
- WMD Vertrieb GmbH
- Woodward Kempen GmbH
- Wopfinger Baustoffindustrie GmbH
- w&p Baustoffe GmbH
- Yaskawa Vipa Controls
- Zumtobel Lighting GmbH

Trixi Hauptmann Product Manager, Haufe umantis AG
"Dear Frank,
many thanks for the great training!
I am still enthusiastic and use the materials practically all in daily business. Not everything every day, depending on the needs and phase. This gives me a standard that I can still adapt to my needs. But it is precisely the start into this tool use that is important and that motivated me a lot.
Super basis to position yourself in the product manager universe and to go in the right direction.
Meanwhile we have already conducted a lot of customer interviews to get to the bottom of the needs of our customers.
This is not easy because customers often say what they want from their daily work and you have to dig to get the actual motivation for those wishes. Then a different solution than the one suggested by the customer can be the painkiller to finally inspire the customer. That makes it extremely exciting.
Thanks again"