The following example of a job description for a Operations Manager in Product Management assists those responsible in defining and formulating the most important information on the skills required as well as the tasks.

Your role as operations manager in product management includes supporting your colleagues product managers, especially in operational tasks. You will take on recurring tasks that are required in the context of product creation, such as creating parts lists, creating articles, re-ordering articles, but also obtaining legal information from our legal department. Every month you obtain the evaluations of the figures from the various departments of the company that are required by your colleagues in product management to control product success. Due to the variety of tasks, you will work together with the various departments of our company. Your contacts are, for example, colleagues from product management, purchasing, marketing, controlling and the legal department.

Your tasks also include the logistical provision of product samples or test products in close coordination with production. You will work with Marketing on the packaging and take care of the entire logistics chain in cooperation with Purchasing. You regularly check whether our partners have enough products as well as sales and marketing materials in stock and, if necessary, take care of re-ordering and logistical dispatch.

The task as operation manager requires a high degree of independent work and organization, because you are an active commercial as well as logistic support for our entire product management and you are its first contact for the numerous other departments of our enterprise.

You will work in the role of operations manager in commercial, logistical and legal matters, will be directly responsible for the success of our products in these areas and will support the colleagues in product management so that they can focus on the strategic success of the products.

Main Responsibilities of a Operations Manager:

  • Commercial, logistical and legal planning and management of the product range over the entire product life cycle
  • Creation of articles, parts lists, evaluations of stock levels and repeat orders
  • Collect monthly reporting figures for the products from the various departments so that product management can strategically control product success
  • Regular status comparison with colleagues from product management, marketing, controlling, warehousing, purchasing and legal department
  • Independent clarification of legally necessary matters for our products together with the legal department
  • Together with production, the independent logistical provision of product samples or test products for customers and sales partners
  • Logistical work for all sales and marketing materials and their delivery to distribution partners


  • At least 3 years experience in commercial and logistical work
  • High social competence and good communication skills
  • High degree of self-reliance and self-reliant organization
  • Understanding of figures with regard to business management problems
  • Good handling of common ERP software and Microsoft Office
  • A commercial training incl. a good legal understanding is very advantageous
  • The activity as operation manager requires a small travel activity to suppliers, distribution partners

We are explicitly looking for people at the beginning of their career who would like to start working in the very exciting and extensive area of product management. If you have the right attitude, you will get the unique opportunity and the possibility to learn about the practical knowledge and processes of product management in accordance with the proven methodology of Open Product Management Workflow™.

If you have several roles in product management, the definitions can be more specific. Have a look at our other example job descriptions for product management and feel free to use them in compliance with the given license.

Overview: More articles and information for product managers

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